Monday, April 16, 2007

Pillow Book

Pillow Book---finished size 14 inches by 17 inches by 3 inches. Use 1/2 inch seam allowance


1.) 1/2 yard of fabric A (main front and back).
2.) 1/4 yard of fabric B (corners and back binding).
3.) 1/4 yard of fabric C (page edges; suggest stripe, 1/2 yard if stripe runs with grain).
4.) 17 inch x 14 inch x 3 inch foam
5.) 2.5 yards braid
6.) Decorative thread and trim as desired


1.) Cut two fabric A 15 inches x 18 inches.
2.) Cut three fabric B 18 inches x 4 inches. Cut two fabric B 6 inches x 6 inches square; cut diagonally.
3.) Baste two fabric B pieces to fabric A on front and back. Add trims over seam lines.
4.) Add trim and volume # on third fabric B to create book binding. Sew binding to book back and front.
5.) Cut two pieces fabric C 15 inches x 4 inches. Cut one piece of fabric C 18 inches by 4 inches. Sew short ends together with 18 inch x 4 inch piece in the middle.
6.) Add braid to book front and back along edges where "pages" will be attached.
7.) Wrap foam with batting and baste raw edges. Insert foam into the "book". Stitch bottom edge of book closed.
8.) Enjoy the fruit of your labors.

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